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We are a young, glassmaking studio that takes pride in meticulously hand crafting cut glass, objects and interior luminaires of the highest quality.

We seek new, innovative approaches that combine unique glass design and modern technologies.

We draw on the rich tradition of Bohemian crystal glass. We use traditional glass working methods such as blowing, cutting, slumping and fusing to make sure that our finished products are true pieces of art for your modern interior.

Everything we make is hand crafted in a small workshop in the Czech Republic. This small-scale production is the only way we can make sure that every piece we make is an original made to the highest standards of quality.

Moon Table 2021 !!!

Moon Table 2021 !!!

We'd like to introduce our last project. The melted glass that we called Moon-Table, which we realized in a side-specific private collection.For this project, we developed a new technology for kiln mold manufacturing by 3D modeling, which is approaching from the right moon landscape on a scale 1: 1 475 260. Like said Niel Armstrong: That's one small step for man – one giant leap for Crystal-creative:-)

check it out

Aquarell Light

Crystal creative - Notch Vase



Crystal creative - Un-deux-trois set


Crystal creative - Coco Chanel Vase

Coco Chanel

Circle X
